Hello world! I'm not entirely sure yet what I will do with this blog to be honest, but I figured the best place to start would be a short introduction.
So, without further ado...I'm Amelia Rose. I am, as of this writing, 35 years old. I'm a crossdresser, in that I am a man, who enjoys wearing female clothing. I do this primarily as a form of expression and to get in touch with my feminine side. I consider myself to be straight, and am married to a wonderful woman.
My wife is very open and supportive of this side of me, although we have only recently begun to explore this together. She is the only person in my life who knows about this part of me, and I cannot say for certain if I will ever reveal this to anyone else.
So far, my activity has been online only, in that I share photos via social media. I do plan to, at some point in the future, venture out into the world in female form, as I feel intrigued by the thought of experiencing every day life as a woman, and the challenge of transforming myself into a believable female appearance without the aid of camera filters and perfect lighting.
Outside of crossdressing, I have a variety of "normal" interests such as video games, movies, books, etc. I have a good job with great benefits, a loving wife, and an adorable dog.
So that's me, in a nutshell. We'll see what sort of thoughts I chose to share here in the future...I am of course open to suggestions and always happy to hear thoughts on my style/outfits/makeup. You can find me in several places online, the links are over to the right >>>>
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